The belief Cycle
The Belief Cycle is the backbone of Next Level’s healing framework. Every illness, dis-ease, disfunction or disharmony of the mental, emotional, physical or spiritual body(s) has a belief behind the root cause. When we address the belief, true healing commences and everything else starts to fall into place. We use the Belief Cycle to establish a Resilient Mindset, perform Spiritual Healing, or deliver Reset Healing where the illness is chronic.
Trying to ‘break’ the cycle is almost impossible, as this is the very force that establishes our beliefs. So instead, we harness the Belief Cycle using the strength of its force to create new ‘positive’ beliefs. Think of it as a force of nature, Niagara Falls is an enormous power that is only going to flow one way. We each have the ability to use this flow, and it’s your mindset that chooses whether it’s a positive or negative belief. Next Level provides the tools to help you to create and reinforce positive beliefs. Once you’ve mastered this, you can easily change the way you operate within your environment.
Here we walk you through the Belief Cycle with self-limiting beliefs in mind, but know of course you can use this same cycle to create positive beliefs:
Core Beliefs are things we accept as true, no questions asked. They are the core to our identity - unique, personal and so ingrained it’s hard to see past them. They sit in the basement of our minds. When something happens, our mind will open the basement and consult the core belief that is most familiar and will keep us safe, to defend us against the world. This is what triggers our reactions and creates our behaviours.
Our beliefs are formed by our experiences growing up, or living life in our adulthood. They’re also handed down to us through our whakapapa (ancestral lines) or through our culture. Each belief comes with predetermined thoughts and emotions which start to form our perception. Refer Thoughts and Insights.
Our Perception is the unconscious lens in which we view the world. When you couple this with our thoughts and emotions, it starts to form our reality.
Our Reality is very real to us. It’s what manifests into our physical body, our mental health, our social world and into our very being. How often have you felt:
physically sick or developed anxiety over a situation?
you don’t belong?
the mental exhaustion of something going around and around in your mind?
This is your reality that you have created … but is it really the reality of the situation? Or is it your physical body, joining in with your thoughts and emotions … which is a story that you have created through your narrowed beliefs?
Our Behaviours are a reaction to our reality. How often have you been triggered by something, reacted in a way that surprised you, and can’t understand what caused you to behave that way? This is our unconscious belief cycle in motion.
The Response we attract is often a reflection of our reality which drives our behaviour (negative behaviour often attracts a negative response) which then reinforces the old belief we have. And so the cycle continues.
Every so often we attract a response with a different lens, one of understanding and compassion, and in that moment we start to realise a different reality. We often remember those people in our lives, for having ‘believed in our potential, or truly understanding us’. They in fact helped to create a new ‘positive’ belief.
Developing a resilient mindset is crucial for your everyday well-being if you are to prevent chronic illness. In the Finding Freedom wānanga we teach you how to use the belief cycle to create new beliefs. The more you bring awareness to it, the more you start to practice your new beliefs and they then become part of your subconscious.
Once you learn this, you’ll no longer walk through life unconsciously, you’ll make a conscious choice to create new beliefs for you and everyone around you, every chance you get.
Learn more about how your mindset impacts your health, potentially causing chronic illness.
Thoughts and insights
Through our years of healing experience, we’ve recorded some common thoughts associated with a belief. These thoughts start to create a fictitious story, forming your perception or view of the world.
Take a look (clicking the link) and see if there are any that you relate to.
Gain a deeper understanding
In these videos we take a deeper dive into the Belief Cycle and self-limiting beliefs.
We reveal the mysteries of the ‘Belief Cycle’ and how it impacts our every thought, emotion and action.
We discuss everything from where we get self-limiting beliefs, how they impact us, how you can release them, through to what you can expect when you do.